Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Kindergarten Cookbook.

I didn't know this is something that is done in Kindergarten but apparently I did it and so did Siena, almost 30 years later. It's kind of amazing that I still have this and I don't even really know how I have it still but I thought it was pretty funny that Siena brought the same thing home today. It's our Kindergarten cookbooks. I thought it was so funny that we both had them. Some of the recipes are even the same. That's just craziness! I have even used mine. It looks like mine was a mothers day gift probably.
 George Washington's Cherry Treat. Mine was George Washington Cherry Pie.
 I guess we both made Pretzels in Kindergarten.
 We each had a different variation of fruit Kabobs. Siena's was a fruit salad
 Of course we had to have the recipe to make Play dough. Mine was even PB play dough. No one had PB allergies back then I guess.
It was really funny to go through and I am glad that I had mine to look through too. There were some fun looking snacks that we should go through this summer.  Mine is on paper that went through a typewritter I think so it's a lot harder to read than Siena's bold printed one.

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