Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Claire 6 months

I love my little chunky baby. It finally got cooler around here so we got some warm clothes out. I can't believe my Claire is 6 months. I was thinking today that I finally feel like she is a little predictable and I have things under control. She is taking 2 naps a day and they are longer naps and she sleeps thru the night consistently. This is big progress around here. We just recently started her on solids. She liked the oatmeal and applesauce for a while, then she got a little sick and didn't like eating again for a couple days. Today I made a whole bunch of baby food. Soon she will get avocados, bananas, squash and sweet potatos. Hopefully she will be a good eater. She has gone down precentage wise on the growth chart. Claire is 15 lbs. 8oz. This is a whole lb heavier than Siena at this age and 2 lbs heavier than Ben at this age. She is so big. She still loves her exersaucer where she can turn around and look in all directions and she loves toys and things to chew on. She loves the attention from Siena and Ben. She squeals whenever they come in the room. She recently has started sleeping on her tummy and she wanders all over her crib when she sleeps. I wish she would just stop growing I love this baby stage so much. She can sit up for a couple seconds but is lazy and doesn't like doing it without any support.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

more phone pics

Every Sunday we watch Music and the Spoken Word, or Papa sings as my kids call it. We eat lunch and watch for Papa in the Tabernacle choir.
Ben all excited for football season. Dave and Ben were playing in Target.

An afternoon at Burke Lake Park. It was the most perfect day. We are so excited for some good cool fall weather. We enjoyed the merry go round and the train ride.

Ben was so excited about the train. We were two rows up ahead of him. He freaked out. He was terrified that we weren't siting with him. I think if the train wasn't going 15 mph he probably would have jumped out. Thanks Michelle, for holding him in the train.

fun with friends. Jacob and Elle were our good neighbors when we lived in our townhouse. I was so sad to leave them. They found a beautiful new house and have now moved too. No more friends on Gildar St.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I need a boat

We have been hit by crazy amounts of rain here and we just can't handle anymore. We lost electricity for a couple hours so we went puddle jumping. Luckily fun aunt Karin was here to join in the fun. This is at the bottom of our driveway. The neighbors backyard was a stream that went across our driveway. Perfect for puddles!

We have a drainage area at the side of our house and it filled up with a lot of water. It was a little scary that it was getting so high. It looked like a pond. Luckilly our house is fine. It didn't get too high. I was really nervous having a basement just for flooding reasons. During the inspection of our house we were told we had good grade where the water would always run away from the house. The previous owners never had any issues. This week it was definately tested and it was good. We got a little bit of water dripping down our chimmney and we had a little bit of water in our sump pump. Both were easy to get rid of and didn't ruin anything in the house.

Enjoying another stream made by the rain.

We are told there may be more rain coming our way. Hopefully the ground isn't to saturated when it comes again. Our grass is doing well but looks like a jungle because our mower broke.
Hopefully we will be able to mow it soon before we lose a kid in it.

and for fun. my cute Claire. Finally learning how to sit up on her own.

First foods

Tuesday was a big day for my girls. Siena started her first day of Kindergarten and Claire got to eat real food. We skipped right to the Oatmeal because none of my kids have really liked Rice cereal. She wasn't bad with it. She didn't really know what to do or how to swallow it. On Wednesday she started opening her mouth once the spoon came up to her mouth. Now she seems to like it and get excited when I sit her in her chair. This is a good sign that she will be a good eater!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ben is bored already

At 10 Ben asked me when Siena would be home. Her school starts at 9, so he lasted a whole hour before he was bored. Poor guy. We have him signed up for some classes but they don't start till next week. Plus this week is rainy and yucky so that limits the activities that we can do. Hopefully this won't be a hard year for him not having his sister around all day to play with.

But he does get to watch whatever t.v. show he wants instead of Siena telling him what they were going to watch. It's going to be interesting seeing Bens real personality and preferences without Siena always around telling him what to do.


My little girl is so big now. I have been dreading this moment for so long. I can't possibly have a kid in school. I feel like now I am tied down to a schedule and that I don't have a lot of control over what she does and sees and hears. It makes me sad. Siena though, is so happy. I knew she would be. She has always been in to following rules and having structure and a routine. So I knew school would be easy in that way for her.
the back pack as big as her.

waiting patiently to go to her class. I could tell she was getting a little nervous at this point just waiting with the rest of the school to go to the rooms. I quietly asked her if she had any other questions and she said no.

Siena has Mrs. Rader and Mrs. Abbott as her teachers. We have found lots of friends that we know that are in her class. The boy next to her goes to our church but is in the next primary class above her. The girl next to her went to her swim lessons this past summer and there is a boy in her class that went to preschool with her. She said she played with Vance, the little boy that was in her preschool. She said she talked to some girls but she couldn't remember their names. That will be the challenge for Siena. We all know that she is shy but once she opens up to you she will never stop talking. I am excited to hear about her friends.

This is the picture she came home with the first day. It is of Me, Siena and Ben. I guess she missed us:) I got a good report back from the teacher on the first day. The teacher said there was a lot of drama the first day, but not from her. I am sure she was just siting back watching it all with a concerned look on her face. When I went to go pick her up she had lost her lunch box so we went hunting around the school to find it. She was very concerned about it. She said she didn't have enough time to eat it all. I don't know if that is because she eats so slow or she was talking the whole time. We will see what happens today. She was more excited to go back the second day which hopefully means we will have a good fun year. There were a few kids who were still kicking and screaming so I am glad that is not the case for us!

Back to school party!

Siena made place cards for everyone. See yellow and on her excersaucer since she doesn't sit at the table yet.

yummy slushies.


the picture Siena drew is of her school with all the different rooms she will go to. Art class, music class, computer class and the gym.

Siena and I decided to have a back to school party the night before school started. She helped make the decorations and chose what to eat. We decided since it was the last day of summer to have a BBQ eventhough it was pouring down rain. She has been so excited to start school and even had a count down chart.

Corolla Light house

We had a beach house right at the beginning of the outer banks, but when we went to stay with friends we went out farther and passed this light house. This is also right where the eye of the hurricane was so you could see lots of debris everywhere. So when Siena saw the light house she decided she wanted to climb it. We have done this a couple of times. It is exhausting and we usually end up carrying the kids up some of the way.
Siena and daddy made it to the top. Siena, Ben and daddy went in to the light house. On the first landing Ben got scared and came back out to wait with me and Claire. I explained to him what a light house was and then he wanted to go back in. It was too late Siena and daddy were already in and climbing so he cried at the bottom of the light house the whole rest of the time. When we go with Grandma next year he will be brave and go.

spiral staircase. It's a little tricky carrying kids on.

the view from the top.

Me, Claire and Ben waiting at the bottom.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Our favorite place


Claire and Tyler hanging out on the beach. I dug a hole in the sand and made a bumbo chair for her.

Hurricane Irene didn't totally destroy our vacation. We had a beach house from Friday to Friday in the outer banks. Hurricane hit the outer banks Friday and Saturday so we weren't able to go there until Monday. We were there as soon as they lifted the evacuation order. Since we only had our beach house till Friday we found another friend to stay with Friday night and went home Saturday. We stayed with Jan and her family. They have a beach house right on the beach and it was beautiful and they had tons of fun toys to play with. It was really nice to extend our stay. The weather seemed to get better and better as the week went on.

A big raft that the kids would ride the waves on. Siena wouldn't try a boogie board but she loved this.

Ben however was terrified of it.

Claire and I were at the beach. She lived in the sling and is the only way she would sleep while we were on the beach. I got a funky tan line on my neck from it.

BFF. Calvin and Ben. These little boys were trouble. They would dig in the sand for hours and throw sand at each other all day.

Dave trying to convince Siena a boogie board is fun.

Ben playing in the debris that washed up on the shore during the hurricane.

cute Ben and Calvin playing in their sand pit.

building the pool.

having quiet time watching movies. Calvin. Ben. Seth. Siena. Miriam. Darby.

exhausted at the beach.

Ben kept asking to bury himself in sand.

testing the water.

We had so much fun. The kids love the beach so much and it makes me so happy. We spent the majority of the mornings on the beach and then back to the pool in the afternoon. The kids loved playing alligator alligator in the pool and jumping in. When we were at our friends' beach house Siena got the courage to go crab hunting. She said she didn't want to do it again because a crab ran over her foot last year. I was fine with that but when we went to our friends beach house they have head lamps that they go hunting with and that made all the difference for her. They had so much fun. I sat on the balcony and nursed Claire while I watched flashlights dance around on the beach and listened to little kids scream. It was so funny.