Sunday, June 29, 2008

Orioles vs. Nats

Siena practicing her baseball before we went to the game!
We got to go to a baseball game this weekend. It was Bens first game. He was all decked out in his Orioles outfit. He got lots of comments on how cute he was. Siena unfortunately has outgrown her Orioles cheerleading outfit but we found her some cute orange clothes. So we went to the new baseball stadium and it was fun. The kids were really good too. We drove in to Dave's work and then took the metro over to the stadium. We had the nosebleed seats way up top and right in the sun so we decided to walk around for a little while in the shade so Ben wouldn't get heat stroke. Finally the sun went down enough and the game started. It was packed with people. We were there with the Earnest and the Ashtons. All the kids were really good. I was surprised. At the bottom of the 5th they had a rain delay with a big lightening storm. This was the point that we were happy we had the high seats because they were covered. Everyone was running up to get under cover and we didn't even have to move our seats. Thinking back on it, it probably would have been smart to get to lower ground, but we were ok. It was a beautiful lightening storm. It lasted a while, maybe an hour before the game started again. We got to see all the grounds crew work their magic. We lasted I think till the 8th inning then Siena was starting to lose it. The Orioles were up 9-1 so we thought it would be ok to leave. GO ORIOLES! The big chaos was the metro home. I was SO upset. My biggest nightmare is that I get seperated from Siena on the metro and she leaves on the train and I am not able to get on. So Dave had Siena and I had Ben in the baby carrier. The metro was jam packed and Dave was running to get on and got on and the doors closed and Ben and I were at the station still! I was so mad. Siena was sad too. I could see her crying as the metro took off. I had no idea where I was, all I knew was that I had to change trains somewhere and that we had parked at metro center. I got off at the next metro stop thinking maybe Dave and Siena had gotten off there to wait for us. They didn't so I waited for the next train. Finally I found my way back to metro center. The trains seemed to be sooooo slow. Have I mentioned that I was so mad!!! So now my biggest fear has come true and hopefully it will never happen again! We now know if we get seperated to get off at the next metro stop and wait. I guess it's good to talk about the what if's, so we know what do to when they happen and it's good to talk about where you are going and how to get there. Overall it was a great game and the kids were amazingly well behaved!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

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Places to go...

Siena hates being inside and I am trying to get out and do fun new things. Tonight we went to sunset serenade at the zoo. It was lots of fun. It's free! you bring your dinner and sit on the lawn and listen and dance to a live band. It was really really hot, but they gave out free ice cream tonight. Yeah! Dave came over after work and joined us it was fun and we will hopefully be back next thursday.

I realized I have not been to the beach here and I have lived here 5 years! So we went with some friends to Sandy point state park (a beach right before the bay bridge) It was so much fun. Surprisingly Siena loved it. I should have brought Siena's life jacket because she just wanted to jump in the water. It was great weather and the water wasn't even that cold. Ben was good and just sat under the umbrella and there was a nice playground that Siena loved but was way too big for her. It was really fun but I didn't think it was that far until I filled up on gas when I came home and realized I may not be able to go that far very often anymore. GAS IS EXPENSIVE!

Monday, June 23, 2008

New Tricks!

Ben is growing so fast. I can never get it on camera but he rolls all over the place now. He just recently rolled from his back to his tummy. I come back into the room and he is on the other side of the room and he rolls all over his crib. So no more placing him on the couch. It's very funny. Today he rolled over to his toys! I don't think it was on purpose though. He seems to be a shy boy for the camera. I can never get him to laugh for the camera so I placed the camera across the room and I made him laugh. It is so cute. I love all his sounds. So enjoy!

I didn't know how to edit it, so don't mind the very beginning and the crazy camera at the end. Sorry.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pohick Bay

What a wonderful place! It's a little waterpark near our house that just opened. They have this sand pit with water tables and a little toddler pool with a slide that is a huge hippo with his mouth open. So much fun. It took Siena a little while to get used to it all but she didn't want to leave at the end of the day, which is very unlike her. There was a bigger pool (you can see it behind Ben) that had bigger slides and fountains but you couldn't have a swim diaper and go in there so I took her diaper off (since she is doing so well with potty training) and we went in. Luckily no accidents happened so they didn't have to empty the pool. It was a great day and even Ben was good, he slept through most of it which is the best way to be at the pool. Hopefully we can have friends with us next time. Everyone ditched out on us!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Golf...No baseball

HAPPY FATHERS DAY DAVE! Siena is very excited that it is father day and she loves her dad more than anyone else I think. We got him a big box and filled it up with things Dave would love. We went to Toys R Us and bought a t ball set. I remember very clearly asking Siena if she wanted to get daddy a toy baseball set or a toy golf set. She chose a t ball set. So she helped daddy open the gift and she keeps calling it golfing. She is a little confused but she loves playing it with daddy.

accident free!

Just reporting that Siena is doing really well with the potty training. Wednesday morning she woke up and I asked her to go get underwear on. All day she went on the potty. NO ACCIDENTS! I think even that day she went poop too. I was shocked. She has continued to do well. We have had maybe 2 accidents all week. My one complaint is that I taught her on a little potty that sits on the ground and now she won't go on a big potty so whenever we are out she refuses to sit on a big potty. That poses a problem. We are working on it. Any suggestions would be helpful because I don't want to be one of those crazy moms carrying around a potty wherever she goes. So it's very exciting. Something just clicked this week and it's going great. I am sure all the little rewards are helping too.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New Toy!

Siena loved this toy when she was little and she still does. Ben is not quite big enough for it but he enjoyed it for a little while. I think he liked it because he could be up and looking all around. He even tried to move in the excerciser and play with the other toys. We will have to try playing with it when Siena isn't around so he can actually push the buttons.

Siena is running around naked because it is so hot and because she is potting training!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sticker Crazy!

Poor innocent Ben being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Siena found some Thomas stickers today and decided to decorate her brother with them. For some reason she thinks stickers go all up and down your legs and arms. Where did she get that idea? It was funny so I decided to take pictures of it. Someday he will repay the torture. It was kind of hard taking them off him.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Too nice outside to clean the house!

We have to take advantage of the great outdoors while it's not too humid. The kids love being outside and Siena is out there as much as she can. At one point we even had our little kid potty outside on the porch so she would go potty and not have to go inside. I love this weather and I love my yard with grass!
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Good Neighbors!

Last month I was really mad that I lived in this neighborhood because Siena's awesome bike was stolen. I am still way bitter about it but today proved that this is a good neigborhood. I was playing out back with the kids and our next door neighbor was out in our front yard trimming our trees and laying extra mulch that he had. It looks so nice. I guess he works for a landscaping company so he totally hooked us up. He gave us two flats of flowers a couple of weeks ago. It looks so good. A very nice surprise to come out of our house and see a pretty flower garden.