Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring cleaning

our garden

our new flowering cherry tree

I hate extra stuff. I went through and needed some changes in our house. We did a couple new things in Siena's room. She had a fabric bulletin board that she would always play with in her room and it would fall down so we took it down for good and I used the fabric for curtains. A long time ago I bought like 500 yard spool of tulle so we tied back the curtains with tulle. It turned out pretty good with just stuff from around the house. She has wanted to paint her room pink for a long time now. I don't want to go to all the work to do it so we are gradually adding more pink accessories in hopes to not have to paint it pink. We had tons of foam paper around. So we cut out a big S and we spent $2 at the dollar store for fake flowers to pin all around it. I found some random sparkly beads around the house and glued those on randomly. She loves it, it's so funny. She is so proud.
Then we started our garden. We made some big changes to our yard. In the crazy blizzard that we had in Feb we lost one of our trees. It was bent over for weeks with the roots sticking out so we knew it had to go. With some help from our awesome neighbors Dave got it down and we got a pretty flowering cherry tree to replace it. Our beautiful Dogwood tree has been dying ever since we moved in but only half of it. So we finally borrowed a chainsaw and cut half the tree down. It looks a lot better than I thought it would. It only blooms for a month out of the whole year and this is the month so Dave couldn't bring himself to chopping it completly down. It looks a lot better and hopefully the other part of it doesn't rot away now. So we have a pretty yard and the weather is great so it is wonderful to enjoy our yard.
We planted our garden. We are trying a couple new things. I planted 2 pumpkins, just to see if we could grow them. I discovered last year my kids love sugar snap peas, so we planted a couple of those plants and we tried strawberries. Our neighbor gave us some potatoe plants so we are trying those too. We will see what grows. We always plant tomatoes and they do really well. We are really excited for our garden this year.
Also, Siena is riding her bike much better. She actually asks to ride it in the street (where we park the cars) and will go fast and actually ride. Before she would just walk the bike around or ride it on our front pation. Yeah!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


When we got the plastic easter eggs out late March Siena knew just what to do with them. Fill them up with candy. We have been doing that now for weeks. It was fun to have a couple easter egg hunts. We had a playgroup easter egg hunt. It was wonderful and so much fun with so many kids. It was beautiful weather and so much fun. Easter morning we had an Easter egg hunt when the kids woke up. Somehow in this family we have skipped the whole Easter bunny and Santa Clause stories because when Siena was asked at school if the Easter bunny came to her house she said no, my parent's gave me the candy. I guess that's two less talks we will have to have later on in life. We had a good Easter and enjoyed all the candy and being together. Bens candy was done in about 2 days. Siena has rationed hers out a little better and I think she just finished hers today. She did find more than Ben but she has been good about sharing.

We skipped Spring

Bens new baseball hat. It's the nationals hat. He loves it and thinks it goes on backwards like this so it really doesn't protect his face at all. He also thinks he has to have the ball and glove when he wears it. He thinks it's like daddy's hat so he loves it.

The weather outside has been so hot. It is the beginning of April and we got out our pool. That is a little crazy. I bought a pool Siena's first summer and it finally was worn out so we went to Toys R Us and got a new one. I was so worried that they would be all out because it has been so hot here you have to be in the pool if you are going to be outside. Luckily we got one and the kids love it. We have had many pool parties with friends and popsicles to keep us cool this week. The nights have been wonderful where we can have the windows open at night. I wish it would stay like this all summer long.