We are so excited she is finally here. With all my babies I have gone past my due date. It is so frustrating to me because I am always to the point of being done. I was swollen everywhere and uncomfortable. Nana had made it town Tuesday so I was prepared and ready to go. I knew I wouldn't go into labor early though. My babies seem to like it inside. I had scheduled an induction for Tuesday and cancelled it and then again Wednesday and cancelled it. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. From the past two deliveries I knew that my body could go into labor so I thought I shouldn't push the baby out if she wasn't ready. I really didn't want to have a baby on St. Pattys day. It was a beautiful day and we were out all day. I had a dr. appt and an ultrasound appt. Then we went to the park and played outside for the rest of the day. Contractions started to happen around 4p.m. on the 17th but they were really irregular. We continued to walk around the neighborhood. Finally around 6 I started timing them. They were coming every 7-10 minutes and lasting 45 seconds. I was too distracted to eat dinner which was a really bad idea. My labor with Ben was really fast and it made me scared for this labor. The big BYU game was on this night and Dave was excited to see it. I was getting nervous that I would have to pull him away to go to the hospital. We made it through the basketball game and then I wanted to go to the hospital. I called the Dr and she said I could come in and get checked. Looking back I should have calmed down and taken a shower or gotten some rest. I was just scared she would come fast. I had 2 contractions for the whole 15 minute ride to the hospital. I was getting nervous that they would send me right back home. When we got there we went in through the Emergency room and got yelled at by a nurse because apparently I was pacing (having a contraction) too close to the check in window and another couple was there and apprently they needed space. Another nurse saw I was actually having contractions and came to my rescue and escorted me to labor and delivery. I got up there and they checked me and I was only a 2. I was so mad. I was a 2 at the Dr.s earlier that morning. I hadn't progressed. They told me to walk around till 1am and if I had progressed they would admit me. I was determined to progress. I walked around those hopital halls for 1 and a half hours. It was awful. I so wish I had just stayed home and gotten some rest. The contractions picked up and were getting pretty bad. At 1a.m. I had progressed to a 3-4 so they admitted me. I finally got a room. They put an IV line in and I walked for another hour in the room. This is the point that Dave fell asleep while I had no epidural and was pacing back and forth. He probably got about 3 minutes of sleep between each of my contractions when he would jump up and hold my hand or rub my back and then he would go back to sleep. They checked me at 2 a.m. and I was only a 5. I was so mad. I wasn't progressing very fast and I was so tired from not taking a nap or rest all day long. I got my epidural, with great fear, but I did it. It worked wonders... with Siena it didn't work at all and I had lots of back pain afterwards, that is why I was so worried about it. It relaxed me so much. It wasn't even an hour later, I had gotten a little rest and I was fully dialted and ready to push. The problem was I didn't want to push I just wanted to sleep. I pushed for 15 minutes and the baby was out. I was so excited to be done. It took us a whole day to name her. The kids have been dead set on the name Claire. Whenever anyone asked them what the babies name was they would say Claire. Dave and I had different ideas. Finally a day later we came to our senses saying the kids are forever going to call her Claire and we liked the name so we went with it. I wanted some part of my name to be with her so we put her middle name Kristin. I wish we would have done that with Siena too. We are so excited she is here. The kids adore her. Siena didn't really like the hospital but was super excited to bring the baby a balloon and see her. Ben has loved her since first sight. He talks to her and loves to hold her. It is very sweet. We are so happy!
Hooray! I love the name Claire, and I'm so glad she made it safe and sound! Sorry for the long labor. That is definitely no fun!!! But, it's done now and you have your sweet little Claire! :) Congratulations!!!! I'm proud of you! :)
She is a sweet little thing. I need to come over again and HOLD her! :)
She's absolutely adorable!!
Welcome to the world Claire! We're so glad she's here and healthy. I love that you used your name for a middle name! Can't wait to meet her (soon, hopefully!).
she is adorable! the kids look so proud to have her home. i am amazed that you have already posted on your blog about her. you are AMAZING!! congrats on your sweet little girl!
Congratulations! She is a darling, and I love her middles name. :)
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