Thursday, May 6, 2010

crazy conversations

It really is no secret, my kids love t.v. They have these shows for 20 minutes then they do all the commercials and ads at the end. They love those as much as the show. They have memorized all the commercials and can probably quote most of them. So the other day we were going to Costco and out of nowhere Ben says, "knock knock, who's there, orange, orange who"? I have no idea where he learned a knock knock joke and I'm not sure what the ending is and why he doesn't know it. We laughed so much after he randomly said it that now the kids think they are hilarious every time they say it. They are constantly saying that joke.
During dinner last night Siena somehow started asking about where milk comes from. I told her from cows. Then we talked about how a lot of food comes from animals. Not the greatest conversation as you are eating bacon and she asks where it came from. It was especially hard to teach her that we get milk from cows and then we kill them and make meat out of it. So this morning after breakfast she asks me what animal makes orange juice. So apparently we need to eat more vegetables.

1 comment:

Kris said... it!