Friday, August 14, 2009

Staying in

computer games

building a trampoline with pillows and blankets

Making pudding cups that have gummy worms in them. yuck... the kids liked them.

decorating the stairs with stickers... I didn't realize this was happening until it was almost done.

(notice her cute shirt... I made it... and she is actually wearing it. That is a big step, maybe she will start wearing some of the dresses that I made her now.)
Staying in and staying sane is hard for me to do. I try to get out of the house each day otherwise I go crazy and it is a really long day. Ben and I stayed home Saturday and Sunday and then he got more spots on Monday so we decided to stay in. I don't know if he is contagious but just in case we will stay in. Tuesday was better but he still had spots so we stayed in then today I thought we might go out but there are still spots and they are red so I decided to stay in again. It seems like they are red one day and then aren't as red the next day and then they get red again. Very odd. We did go out on a walk in the 90 degree weather with humidity. We weren't out long before we had enough heat. I guess that would make it good for us to stay in but I am so bored. My house is very clean and things are organized and put away which is a good change. So we are getting creative and watching a lot of Dora the Explorer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

life looks fun at the Meilstrup home! It is good they play to gether so well. Very cute shirt for Siena. I also noticed she was wearing shorts-not a dress! Have a good day!
