Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ben has teeth!

Ben broke one tooth on the bottom left and is working on the one right next to it. No more putting your finger in to chew on. It's so cute. I couldn't get a picture of it because I don't want to put my fingers near it. yeah for Ben! He got his first one way before Siena. We weren't expecting it so soon. It's good to have proof of because now I can have something to blame his crankiness on.

The Amazing Race...the best show EVER!

I am so excited for this show to be back on. It is my alltime favorite show. I get so caught up in it and get all anxious for the competitors, I even yell at the t.v. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It's a good clean sunday show. It's about 10 teams traveling around the world competing in different challenges. The first one back to the pit stop at the end wins 1 million dollars. so cool. I would be horrible at it for many reasons, one I am awful at reading maps and directions and two I am too high strung for it. A couple of seasons ago I told Dave I would love to do it but I would only do it with him. He just said yeah...and left it at that. Meaning he would not want to do it with me. I'm just to dramatic for it, I would make good t.v. We all love the crazy people on it, that's why I watch. They also go to cool places. So much fun, so don't bother calling me Sunday night at 8. I will be busy!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This makes me laugh. what a cutie!yum yum black beans

stupid FIOS...I need to vent!

I know my grass doesn't look great but it's after Aug and it was a dry month. This picture doesn't do it justice of the big hole there. I didn't want to go out and take a picture with the workman standing there.
So this is what is happening to my beautiful backyard. I come downstairs in the morning hardly awake and not ready to greet workman to having workman in my backyard digging lines for FIOS.Don't mind knocking on my door or warning us. It's craziness! They dug two big holes in my yard one day and then we wake up this morning at 7. (that is early for us) to them digging more holes. It would be somewhat ok if they warned us or told us about it and if they laid the beautiful new grass back nicely, but they didn't. So I am so upset mostly about my beautiful yard that is now torn apart. They also put a box into the ground so we can't lay grass over that. If they had laid it another 2 feet over it would have been out of our fence. I am so mad! This FIOS better be worth it. And another thing the weather has absolutely been perfect and of course we can't just go out and sit in our backyard and enjoy it because we have people back there smoking and doing work that we didn't know about. CRAZINESS! the work better be done today!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

temple day!

Siena has been talking about the temple a lot lately (thank you nursery teachers).So today we met grandma and grandpa there. We went to the visitors center and watched movies and watched the Cristus. She loved it. When we were going down the beautiful road before you actually see the temple she was looking for the temple all over saying it was coming soon. She ran right up to the doors of the temple and she knew that once we went in she had to be reverent. She especially liked the fountain in front and wanted to swim in it. It was a fun trip thanks grandma and grandpa for the fun trip.
Later that day grandma and grandpa came to our house where we were able to enjoy the beautiful weather. It has been so nice we were able to stay outside all day!

they keep themselves entertained

Somehow the week always seems to end really quickly. The kids are keeping me really busy. As you can see, Ben is crazy mobile and we have had to put up the baby gate. I hate the baby gate. So whenever we put Ben down on the ground he goes straight to the stairs and props himself to a standing position and just jumps up on the gate. Seriously this would entertain him for a long time. He is either there by the stairs or in the front foyer area trying to find crumbs on the floor or a shoe to chew on. It's so gross. Siena is getting better at entertaining herself by reading. It's very funny to hear what her stories sound like.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Half a year!

aren't they so cute together!
We finally had Bens 6 month appt. He is getting so big. We went to the dr.s today. They say he looks great. He is definately keeping mom busy. He is 16lbs 2 oz. and 26in long. He's always been in the 20% for everything. The important thing is that he is gaining weight eventhough he spits up a lot. Ben can do lots of things: crawl, roll, babble, laugh, somewhat get his fist to his mouth so he can feed himself things and pull himself up. We love you Ben! Siena better watch out... Ben is on the move!

picture opportunity

When I was little my mom would dress my sister and I exactly alike. As we grew up we would still dress alike without trying too. We would come out of our rooms wearing similar things but different colors. We were cursed with it from a young age. So it is with my children. I had no intention of doing this, but it happened the other day and the kids were in good moods so we decided to take pictures. We are still working on getting them to smile at the same time. It's hard to get a good picture of both of them together.


what the heck has happened to my little babies! I was bringing in the groceries the other day and I promise I only left for 1 minute and I came back to this... Siena had found red lipstick and wrote all over herself and she put it all over Bens head. I came in and thought it was blood. It was quite the scare. It's also kinda hard to get out of Bens hair and scalp. Then later that day we discovered that Ben knows how to pull himself up and now we have to lower the crib because he can almost crawl over the bar. So scary. He also tries to climb up onto things. This is way too early for him to be doing these things. People that know Ben know that he is a really spitty baby. Siena was too but it stopped when she was 6 months and started eating solids. Since Ben has turned 6 months it has gotten worse. He spits up on everything! It's all over the place. I can't wait for him to stop so we can clean the carpet because it is BAD. So he was rocking on this toy that we have and he spit up all over it. Then he face planted right into the spit. I took a picture of it just so I could remember someday how gross it was. I had forgotten about the awful reflux stage that my kids go through. So all in a LONG... hard days work. I was so glad to see Dave on this day.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Five years down...Eternity to go!

Reception at Thanksgiving Point
(see how young Dave looks without facial hair!)
He shaved it for our wedding and then it's been there ever since

My mission homecoming where we re met

We were married five years ago today in the Mount Timpanogas temple. It was a perfect day, wonderful weather and an awesome reception. I can't believe it's been five years. So much has happened. We moved cross country, bought a home and had two kids. What else do we have to do!? Life is really good and we are enjoying everything we are blessed with. I love you Dave! Thanks for putting up with your crazy wife!

For posterity's sake here's our info:
1998: Right after my high school graduation my family moved to Hershey PA where Daves family lived. He was on his mission and then went off to school. We hadn't met by then.
1998 Christmas time we both came home from college to Hershey PA. We met eachother then but now we recall different ways in how we met.

Lots of time passed...

Dec 2002: I came home from my mission and roomed with my sister who went to BYU and she saw Dave up on campus and invited him to my mission homecoming. He said he kind of remembered me and of course there was free food so he said he would come.

He called a few weeks later and I wasn't home and never returned his message so time just kept going by...

End of Feb 2003: He finally calls again and we start dating

June 1 2003: He proposed
Then left for the summer to work out here in D.C.

Septeber 6 2003: Married in Mount Timpanogas Temple. Wedding reception at Thanksgiving Point.

Off to Jamaica!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Missing the Beach

I had to post this it was just too funny. So I go into wake up Siena from her nap and this is how I find her. Apparently she went swimming in her dreams at the beach. (If you can't tell this is her lifejacket that she found in the hall and brought into her room during naptime.)