Wednesday, April 27, 2011

things i love

I came home from Spring break with two fun packages. First a necklace I ordered on Etsy.
When I was 20 weeks pregnant at the ultrasound Dave wanted to find out if it was a boy or girl. I didn't. We finally came to an agreement he could find out and I got this pretty mothers necklace. It's so pretty I love it. Siena loves that it has her name on it.

warm enough to swim and we have new bathing suits. so exciting

second a personalized quilt from a friend. So cute. I can't wait till she wants to play on it it's perfect.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


this makes me happy...isn't it cute.

Playing at the park after dance class.

she can almost do it

my craigslist find a couple months ago was a total bust. I found this cute cottage style headboard and footboard for Siena. Come to find out, after I brought it home, that it didn't come with the hardware. We couldn't figure out a way to put it together so money just down the drain. Stupid lady on craigslist that ripped me off. So we found another bed that she is happy with and can finally decorate her room. She got these wall stickers for Christmas and has patiently been waiting to put them up. She loves the bookcase headboard where she can place all her stuffed animals.

one Princess Siena and one Princess Claire.

my cutie.

Ballet class

Siena is taking a ballet/tap class at the rec center and she loves it. I am so glad she got a good teacher. She is taking it with her friend from school Sara. Dance class is the highlight of our week. It is so funny watching these little girls try to do the different steps and falling over while they are trying to balance. They are too cute. dancing with a friend.

following the teacher.

Ben playing outside the dance class. He found some exercise balls today that were as big as him and was rolling them down the tiled hall. He flipped right over the ball and the ball ran him into a table. He is fine and was right back up rolling the ball again 2 minutes later.

so excited to go.

waiting patiently and watching the other girls.

Going to Hershey

Our Easter outfits minus Claire. She was happily sleeping at the time.

Claire loves to be held and she was so content in Grandmas arms listening to her practice piano.

Dave left us for a week to go on tour with Heathers Headache. He went to Las Vegas, Utah and then Boise. He had a good time and was really busy and tired by the time he got back. I can't really see why he was tired he got to sleep in and hang out by the pool in Vegas but he was. He was gone Monday till Easter Sunday. We are so glad that he is back. It turned out to be spring break while he was gone so all of Sienas classes and school were closed so we decided to go to Hershey and visit Grandma. I couldn't do a whole week alone with a new baby and no sleep. It was so fun to visit her. Of course we went to Chocolate world, we played with cousins and mostly just played in Grandmas fun basement with her cool toys. It was so nice to have someone when the kids woke up so I could sleep a little more with baby Claire. Claire decided to put on a show and was a pretty good sleeper. I think it helped that she just slept with me. We also got to celebrate Easter with Grandma. The Easter bunny came and dropped off a basket full of candy for the kids Saturday. We also had a special bunny cake. Then on Sunday we went to church with Grandma and had dinner with the cousins. Siena said it was the best day ever.

Monday, April 18, 2011

One month!

first day going to church

Claire is one month old. She loves to eat and loves to be held. I have always said that I really like the newborn baby stage just because the baby is easy. They just need to be held and fed. Claire seems to like it more than the other kids. She is so content when she is held. Between nursing every two to three hours and wanting to be held all night long she is keeping me up. I miss my sleep but need to keep reminding myself that hopefully soon she will sleep through the night. I may take back the 'loving' the newborn stage and may want the older baby stage to come soon. It is fun to hold her though and it is my fault that she really isn't on a schedule. Luckily we have a bed in her room so I am with her so Dave can get a little more sleep. The kids can sleep right through it all. Unfortunately Siena is having 'bad dreams' lately and ends up in the bed with me quite often. I hate sleeping with kids in my bed. Good thing she is cute. The kids still adore Claire. I find Ben smothering her whenever he is near. He loves it when she opens just one eye and calls her a pirate. He thinks it is so funny. We can't quite figure out if she loves the binkie or not. I keep pushing it on her and she likes it if she is really upset but if she falls asleep with it in her mouth and then it falls out she throws a fit. The other night I was up every five minutes putting the binkie back in her mouth to soothe her. I wanted to throw all the binkies out the window but it was either the binkie in her mouth or me nursing her to sleep. So frustrating! I just want her to be able to put it back in her mouth when it falls out. She still mostly likes to sleep in the bouncy chair. She will sleep in the crib occasionally but I think she likes the noise going on in the house because she sleeps a lot better in her swing during the day with the kids running around her. With Siena and Ben we had a little party when they turned one month old. I wasn't as productive this time around. Dave left us this morning for a week and I just didn't have the motivation. The kids don't have to know. We spent the day at the library and the park, perfect events for a one month old. I did get some things done around the house so I count it as a productive day. It is a lot harder though knowing that Dave won't be home at 5 to relieve me. Luckily we are going up to PA in a couple days so I can have some help. We are very excited.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Egg hunt

Ben hunting for his 10 eggs.
enjoying the goods. I said that the eggs were theirs and they could do what they want with them. Needless to say all the candy was gone within the day.

I think this may be Siena's favorite time of year. She loves hunting for eggs and talks about it year round. We have been going to our friends house for the last couple of years for her awesome playgroup Easter egg hunt. My kids were so excited. Since we have moved to this house Siena has got this idea that the Easter bunny needs to hide eggs out in our backyard. That is not going to happen and I hope she won't be disapointed come time for our Easter egg hunt.

cute pictures

Not too much going on here. Siena and Ben play nicely together and I sit and feed Claire. I am lucky the kids let me nap occasionally with Claire. I went out in the front yard the other day after Ben and Siena had been playing and my neighbor was happily watching them play. It's nice to have such a private area for my kids to play and be safe. We have great neighbors. my cute baby
trying on our Easter outfits

Ben loves his little sister
Ben and Siena put on a dance show for me. Ben decided to be fancy

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


We have had some crazy weather here. It is 72 degrees one day and then the next day it is 54 degrees and rainy. Then today is back up in the 60's. We have tried to go out and enjoy it while it is here and before it gets too humid. Siena got lots of fun outside toys for her birthday that we have been enjoying. Claire got to sit out there for a little while too.
Sleepy Claire. This is her favorite spot to sleep and she sleeps really well when she is in the bouncer. I realized today that I am getting a little sleep deprived. She really is a good sleeper for being only 2 weeks. She went 5 hours last night between a feeding. She usually goes 2-3 hours between feedings. She loves to nurse and takes her time. She is a horrible nurser when we are out though which makes life hard. This bouncer chair is a life saver she loves to sleep here. I love spending time with her at night with feedings it is just when she is up and happy and wants to play in the middle of the night that is a little frustrating. I am trying to enjoy this time and take it slow.
Happy Easter. She is starting to get baby acne so we may hold off on pictures for a little while. poor baby.
We had a 2 week appt today and she is up past her birth weight. Yeah. She is still in the 20 and 30 percentile for everything but that is where all my kids are. They are all little. It was the first time also that I got pooped on and peed on. She was naked at the Dr.s getting weighed and then she just let loose and pooped and peed everywhere! it was disgusting! It took till my 3rd kid to have that experience and I hope it never happens again. Newborn poop is disgusting.
We said good bye to our good friends the Kuehnes. We already miss them. Morgan and family moved into the ward way back when Siena was a newborn. Tally is just a couple months younger than Siena and Ryann is a couple months younger than Ben. The kids get along so well we will really miss them. For the last couple of months Morgan and I have been doing a mommy swap during the day so we each could have a couple hours to ourselves. That was my favorite time. I will miss my Thursday mornings to myself. Hopefully they will be back again in a couple years. We will be waiting here for them!
Ryann. Siena. Ben. Tally. Adayla. Grant. Kennedy and Binx.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Bath time

The first sponge bath. She did not like it but she did like the massage afterwards

my pretty baby