Then we came home and opened the traditional pajamas. The kids were extra good and got slippers too. They love the slippers. Ben zooms around in his saying he is a rocket ship since they have buzz lightyear on them.
so cute
Then came Christmas morning. The kids are really starting to get in to Santa Clause. Siena wrote a letter to him and he wrote back. We left cookies and milk for him and the reindeer and we tracked Santa all day on the internet to see where he was. It was a lot of fun. Apparently the kids were really good because he brought a stash for them. What lucky kids!
Siena is always stealing our camera and I wanted to buy her a real one but I didn't want to spend the money on a real one. Looking through old electronics a couple weeks ago we found one of our old ones. I was so excited! I think this is the one we had as newlyweds but it has everything that she needs. So now you might occassionally see some pictures from Siena on our blog. She has already gone through one set of batteries.
The kids were so good and patient with one another. I imagined a mess where the kids wake up and go downstairs by themselves and tear open all the gifts before we get there but they all took turns opening gifts and it took a long time for us to finish them all. They even sat for a little while and ate some breakfast before we opened the stockings and presents. They loved taking time and playing with each one. It made for a very relaxing morning.
It was a Toy Story and Transformer Christmas for Ben. He was so excited Siena gave him his favorite gift. BumbleBee the transformer. We had no idea transformers were for such young kids but Ben loves them. We went to McDonalds a couple weeks ago and got happy meals. Bens came with a transformer and he has been hooked on it ever since. He carries it everywhere. Christmas Eve we showed him a couple minutes of the Transfomer movie and he loved it. It is so funny to me. My little boy is growing up and into action heros.
It was a fun holiday. As usual we all went overboard and have everything we ever would want and need. Dave bought a lot of stuff for himself for his t.v. and sound system and such. I got him a lot of tools and garage stuff so we can get some projects done. I received some fun sewing things and kitchen gadgets and some money to go shopping to decorate this house. It has been fun. We are very blessed and had a great day together as a family.